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Feet Care

Feet Care

Completely over it, aren’t you?.  Your feet have you stressed out. You need immediate results before it gets worse, if it hasn’t already. Can’t take the itchy, scaling, peeling, irritated,  dry skin, you have  tried your absolute hardest not to scratch. I, too, have shared the same stress. Trying everything under the sun, Wishing I can, painlessly, take my feet off and soak them until all the dry itchy skin would just magically soak off. The  tips and golden items I am going to share allows you to feel that confidence you lost with your feet and slide on those sandals with a smile. Thank me later.

Urine Therapy: The power of your urine. Yes, I said it. I was at my wits -end with my itchy feet and missing nail. My feet would itch so bad,  I thought I was going to dig a whole in my foot. By the way you ruin layers of your skin tissues the more scratch.  I did some home remedy research and the urine therapy is by far my number one choice for fast relief. 


Directions: Use a storage container or foot soaker and pour your urine inside (the more, the better). Add 2 parts of water to the container. Soak feet for 20-30 minutes.

After you have soaked, wash feet with a mild soap and water, and scrub feet with a pumice bar. Dry feet. Now clip toe nail and file (while nails are still soft and easy to cut and file).


Finally, moisturize feet with a good foot cream (I will list my absolute favorites for you). And put on some come cotton sock for protected healthy feet.  Repeat these steps at least 2-3 times a week, for the amazing results. 


My Golden Self — Care  Products for my feet. Bringing you nothing  but the best. 


Kerasal Fungal Nail Renewal, must have nail treatment for pretty toe nails. You will see results with constant use.

Kerasal Daily Defense Foot Wash, Daily Cleanser with Tea Tree Oil

Foot Bath, or Foot bucket, to soak your stress away.

Tea Tree Oil Foot Soak with Epsom Salt,  get ready soak into self- care.

Foot Pumice, Stone /scrubber for Hard Skin Callus Remover

PurOrganica Urea, 40 Percent Foot Cream, Urea is found in urine, which makes this a great cream for dull skin cells and renewing skin.

Lotrimin Ultra 1 Week Athlete's Foot Treatment, Cures Most Athlete’s Foot Between Toes, Cream

Lotrimin Deodorant Antifungal, Best  Powder Spray

Kerasal Intensive Foot Repair, Skin Healing Ointment for Cracked Heels and Dry Feet