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Anii's Beauty Top Notch Extensions & Lashes!

7 Reasons water is your best friend.


Yes, I know, that you know, water is good for you. We have heard this more often than none. But do you remember why it's good  for you? Do you recall its benefits aside of clearer skin, pounds lighter on the scale and lighter urine? Whether your answer is yes or no, this blog still applies to you.



  1. Lower Back Pains, any kind of pain, is simply not fun at all. However, you may be able to cut back on doctors visits if you began drinking water  1- 2 cups of  water before you go to sleep. And 1-2 cup's of water when you first wake up. You may notice a smooth bowel movements in a few days if you repeat this daily, This can help relieve often gas that's trapped, relieving back pains.
  2. Better Sleep,  drinking a cup of water prior to going to bed, naturally relaxes your body. If providing yourself an adequate amount of rest you may feel more refreshed in the Morning
  3. Constipation,  you can constipated for numerous of reason, whether your on medication, your body experienced some sort trauma, or extreme change, surgeries, to just having an issue digesting that burger from the night prior.  Drink a  1-2 cups of water  15 minutes prior  to consuming any meal and drink water after each meal. This will help relieve a good deal of pressure.
  4. Allergies, watery eyes, itchy nose and throat.  It's okay to run some cool water in your eyes  to help remove any dust particles and/ pollen from your eyes and eyelashes that may be holding the issue at hand. It's okay to get a handkerchief and damp it some water to clean the inside of those nostrils, this soothes the nose, allowing to breathe a bit easier. Nothing like refreshing water for the throat to help calm down the itchiness that travel to one's ears from time to time.
  5. Skin,  clearer skin. Water + skin = fewer issues with acne, even skin tones etc.
  6. Weight Control, drinking eight glasses a day help balances the fluids in your body. Also help with your bowel movements. 
  7. Hair, your hair gets dehydrated and thirsty as well. Drinking adequate amount of water can help all cells function properly to help prevent thinning, minimize shedding.
  8.  DO NOT OVERKILL!!  There is a such thing of drinking too much water.
Top purchases for better habits.
The Zero Water Purifier. The counter or tabletop convenient pitcher water purifier. My kids love this water purifier and, we keep our filters handy. Imagine kids choosing water over soda and juice. 
The Brita Standard Metro Water Filter Pitcher.  This  purified water pitcher can be stored in the refrigerator for a good cold refreshing drink for this hot summer.


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